Friday, August 30, 2013

Customer-branding:the new face of 'Service-Marketing'

Post Employer-branding & Employee-branding, here comes a new concept in Service-marketing..."Customer-branding". Customers or end-user's are really the people who build a business's dint of satisfactory results & feedback.....& branding of the individuals with such results has become an indirect way of branding your own business.
Visit any big hospital & you'll find walls adorned with smiling faces of cancer-survivors who got treated there along with a write-up of their stories of recovery.
Go to any Entrance Exam Coaching institute...passport-size photos of toppers produced from there, lined up on the walls will welcome you...almost with an indirect affirmation that 'You've come to the right place, baby!'
Or just travel through the busy are bound to be distracted by hoardings showing happy family-portraits with a picture-postcard residential complex in the backdrop & a bite from any of the family-members mentioning how wise a decision they have taken in buying an apartment in such a complex.
Now, it’s not that models were never used earlier to advertise products but they used to be celebrities or professional models. But, over the years, we’ve come to an age when being a celebrity has become relatively easier….& people have realized that it’s no longer a ‘taken-for-granted’ thing that celebrities advertising products will make them sell. Rather, it’s the age of creating celebrities out of common people …the age of ‘reality Show’s where an apparently ordinary person can become a star overnight….it’s all about creating heroes out of people in the crowd &,thereby entice the crowd….which actually has led to so much importance being adhered to the concept of ‘Customer-branding’…that has made the ‘Service-marketing’ landscape undergo a paradigm-shift.