Sunday, August 24, 2014

Confessions of a non-shopaholic

Marriage on the cards=shopping has its effect of your credit/debit cards.Indeed, ever since my wedding has been fixed, one of the patent questions that has come my way ...'So, have you stared shopping?'..Though, I've never been a shopaholic ,I've observed broadly two kinds of shoppers:
1. who shop with an impulse
2. who shop with an agenda
For the first group, more often than not,it's just shopping for the sake of it...they don't have to wait for ceremonies or festivals or end-of-season sale's, for them it is a perennial extravaganza that goes on throughout the year. However, to be a passionate shopper like this , one needs to have a fat bank-balance, so that any amount can be shelled out anytime for anything that catches one's eye in stores.
But, for the second group, buying things come into the picture only when they are needed...actually, only when they are indispensable.
The big question is, which group is better?
definitely, it's not advisable to be extravagant for one's passion for shopping & pick up anything & everything that comes in the way. Also, it's not right to be miser enough to use things till they become unusable & only then go for buying a new substitute.In fact, very often it's seen that in such situations owing to the urgency of a purchase, the buyer has to compromise in buying whatever is available at that moment, which if not up to the mark gets damaged very soon & has to be replaced again resulting in double investment.
Shopping, I feel should be a balance between need & want , and a well-estimated manifestation of one's affordability combined with desire to fulfill one's own satisfaction.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Why attrition is good for companies??

As I embark on the verge of completion of 1 year in a Govt job, the greatest cause of disbelief to me has become my change in mindset, regarding my job....while I was determined to leave this job as soon as possible since the time I joined, gradually I'm finding myself entangled in the Psu-life & culture. In fact, it is the case with 99% govt employees as hardly any have left or want to leave because they neither want to forego their job-security nor their post-retirement financial security(read 'pension') ,& understandably so. But, is Zero-attrition actually good for companies?? Maybe, on paper, it is the dream for any organization to boast of such utopian retention-stats...but there's also many flip-side's to it. Every organization, big or small, has a pyramidal structure of growth, which invariably narrows towards its tip.Hence, if there's no attrition at all , then the wide base of fresh-recruits are all going to be vying for the topmost position of the company 30 years down the line.Also, zero-attrition implies no mid-level recruitment which means the same employees who join as trainees & stay back at the same place for their entire live, being unaware of the outer world , hence leading to a myopic & claustrophobic organization-culture.Therefore,companies... let some employees leave if they want to , let them look for greener pastures....alongside, let some willing others come short, let the fresh air come in !